
Dinçyürek Ensures Resolution of All Deficiencies in Esentepe Health Center

Minister of Health Visits Esentepe Health Center for Inspections

Minister of Health Dr. Hakan Dinçyürek recently visited the Esentepe Health Center to conduct inspections and assess the facility. The visit was part of the government’s efforts to activate primary health services in line with the Prime Minister’s directives.

During his visit, Minister Dinçyürek and his team evaluated the health center, gathered information from healthcare professionals, identified needs, and made decisions for improvements. He announced that the renovation and repair of the Esentepe Health Center will be prioritized to address any deficiencies promptly.

Minister Dinçyürek expressed gratitude to the dedicated healthcare professionals serving the community in the region. He emphasized the government’s commitment to enhancing healthcare services by renovating all healthcare centers across the island.

Highlighting the importance of local support, Minister Dinçyürek stated, “Together, we can achieve better outcomes for the Esentepe Health Center and improve healthcare services for our people.”

The government’s pledge to upgrade healthcare facilities and provide efficient services underscores its commitment to prioritizing the well-being of the population. Stay tuned for further updates on the progress of the Esentepe Health Center’s improvements.



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