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Disease Outbreak: Meningitis and Hepatitis C Found in Displaced Palestinians

Health Crisis in Gaza due to Israeli Attacks
A health crisis has emerged among Palestinians who have been displaced due to Israeli attacks in Gaza. The Ministry has issued a statement highlighting the serious health problems facing the displaced population.

According to the statement, the overflow of sewage water and lack of drinking water have led to the spread of diseases among the affected Palestinians. Cases of meningitis and hepatitis C have been detected, raising concerns about the potential for a health disaster.

The Ministry has warned that epidemic diseases are spreading rapidly due to the unsanitary conditions in the streets and tents where Palestinians are forced to live. Children are especially at risk, and urgent action is needed to address the situation.

The statement calls on international and humanitarian organizations to intervene quickly to provide assistance and prevent further health complications. The plight of the displaced Palestinians in Gaza requires immediate attention to avert a potentially devastating crisis.


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