
Double Murder and Suicide in Villa: Woman and Daughter Killed by Partner

A tragic incident occurred in a villa located in Tekirdağ’s Marmaraereğlisi district, where Necip O. (37) allegedly shot his partner Shaxnoz L., a national of Uzbekistan, and their 7-year-old child Şehirnin O. with a gun before attempting to take his own life with the same weapon.

Prior to the shocking event, Necip O. reportedly contacted his relatives in Istanbul and conveyed his intentions of committing suicide. He abruptly ended the call, causing immediate concern among his family members who promptly notified their neighbors about the distressing situation. Concerned neighbors rushed to the villa, where they peered through the windows only to witness the gruesome scene of the family lying motionless in a pool of blood. The authorities were promptly alerted.

Necip O., who sustained a severe head injury from a self-inflicted gunshot wound, was quickly rushed to surgery at Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University Faculty of Medicine Hospital, where medical personnel managed to restart his heart. However, his current condition remains critical.

Following a thorough examination by the public prosecutor, the lifeless bodies of the mother and daughter were transferred to the morgue of Marmaraereğlisi State Hospital.

Law enforcement officials have launched an investigation into the harrowing incident, hoping to shed light on the circumstances that led to such a tragic outcome.



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