
Double the Retirement Holiday Bonus: Has the Increase Been Confirmed?

Minister Işıkhan Addresses Increase in Holiday Bonuses for Retirees

Minister Işıkhan recently spoke to NTV and addressed the demand for an increase in holiday bonuses for retirees. In response to questions about this issue, Işıkhan highlighted the government’s commitment to prioritizing the needs and demands of retirees.

He mentioned that a total of 166 billion 200 million lira has been paid to retirees as holiday bonuses for two holidays. Additionally, the government provided a one-time support payment of 5 thousand lira to retirees to help alleviate their financial burden.

Işıkhan emphasized that both the President and the government have always supported retirees, and they are committed to meeting their needs. He also mentioned that they will be meeting with President Mr. Cevdet Yılmaz and Minister of Treasury and Finance Mehmet Şimşek to evaluate the situation and make necessary decisions.

The minister assured that they will take the necessary steps in line with the President’s instructions to address the demand for an increase in holiday bonuses for retirees. He expressed their dedication to ensuring the well-being of retirees.

As discussions and evaluations continue, retirees can expect that the government is working to address their needs and provide the support they deserve.



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