
Economic Organizations Platform Urges Ministry of Labour and Employers’ Union Action

The Economic Organisations Platform, consisting of the Cyprus Turkish Chamber of Commerce, the Cyprus Turkish Chamber of Industry, the Cyprus Turkish Construction Contractors Association, and the Cyprus Turkish Hoteliers Association, has released a statement regarding the Minimum Wage Determination Commission meeting.

In their statement, the platform expressed concerns about the current conditions and the lack of necessary data for the commission to make an informed decision. They called on the Ministry of Labor and Social Security to provide all the required data and conduct the necessary work before any decisions are made. They also urged the Employers’ Union not to attend any meetings until these actions are completed.

During the recent meeting held by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security to determine the third minimum wage of 2024, the platform highlighted the absence of statistical data and information necessary for the commission’s work. They emphasized that without the right conditions, it is not possible for the commission to reach a sound decision.

The platform stated that they had communicated their concerns to the Ministry of Labor and Social Security beforehand in writing, emphasizing the need for proper preparation before any decisions are made. They also expressed dismay over the portrayal of employers as solely responsible for the challenges of inflation and the rising cost of living.

In conclusion, the platform requested the Employers’ Union to refrain from attending future meetings until the Ministry of Labor and Social Security completes the necessary work. They emphasized the importance of making informed decisions based on accurate data to address the current economic challenges effectively.



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