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Economist Criticizes Erdogan, AK Party Responds

Turkey’s upcoming election on May 14 is drawing significant attention from Western media outlets, with some even calling for the removal of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The famous British magazine The Economist featured the headline “Erdogan must go” on its cover photo. However, Turkey’s Deputy Chairman of the AK Party, Hamza Dağ, believes that foreign media outlets are exaggerating their coverage of the election. He argues that the West wants Turkey to be docile and not implement its own policies but instead to follow those dictated by them.

Dağ’s comments come in response to many Western media outlets’ criticism of Turkey’s current policies, including its decision to support the Kurdish PYD. They also take issue with Turkey’s balanced policy in the Russia-Ukraine war, stating their desire for Turkey to adopt a more Western-friendly stance.

Despite these criticisms, the AK Party remains confident in its policies and the support it has received from the Turkish people of all walks of life. Many have even chosen to entrust the country to President Erdogan for another term.

As the world eagerly awaits the outcome of Turkey’s upcoming election, it is clear that the AK Party will continue to fight for its vision for the country’s future. Regardless of foreign media attention and criticism, Turkey will continue to pursue policies that best serve its interests.



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