
EDB Forum strengthens partnerships to tackle regional challenges

The annual meeting and business forum of the Eurasian Development Bank (EDB) took place in Almaty, Kazakhstan, on June 27-28, bringing together a diverse group of participants from multilateral development banks, international organizations, businesses, and journalists worldwide.

The event aimed to foster partnerships and share expertise to tackle key regional challenges such as water management, energy balance, transport and logistics development, and financial market improvements. One of the highlights of the forum was a panel session focusing on exploring the potential of the Eurasian transport framework.

The Eurasian Transport Network serves as a vital system of interconnected international transport corridors spanning over 50,000 kilometers, linking Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. Miroslaw Antonowicz, the chairman of the Committee of the Organization for Cooperation between Railways (OSJD), emphasized the organization’s efforts to enhance international transportation corridors for the benefit of its 30 member countries.

Antonowicz highlighted the importance of a unified approach, including the implementation of a single document, the railway bill, along the entire corridor route to streamline transportation services. He also underlined the significance of adopting digital solutions and environmental-friendly practices in the future of international transportation.

Innovations in agro-logistics were also discussed during the forum, with Alevtina Kirillova, the CEO of Eurasian Agrologistics, showcasing the success of the Eurasian Agroexpress project in facilitating expedited railway routes and multimodal transportation within the Eurasian Economic Union.

Furthermore, Kazakhstan’s ambitious infrastructure development plans, including the National Infrastructure Plan featuring over 200 projects worth more than 40 trillion tenge (US$89 billion) through 2029, were highlighted by Aliya Murzagaliyeva, the managing director for asset management and project operations of the Baiterek Holding.

Dauren Kabiyev, the vice president of external affairs at TAV Kazakhstan – Almaty International Airport, reported positive trends in passenger and cargo transportation, signaling growth and expansion in the region’s transport sector.

The forum concluded with discussions on the CAREC strategy until 2030, aiming to enhance regional economic cooperation through streamlined procedures, improved regulatory frameworks, infrastructure development, and optimized transport logistics.

Overall, the event shed light on the importance of collaboration and innovation in navigating the future of the Eurasian transport network and advancing regional connectivity for the benefit of all stakeholders involved.


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