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Elderly Woman Dies After Falling from Fifth Floor Balcony in Kocaeli

An elderly woman tragically fell from the balcony of her fifth-floor apartment in Turgut District Kadı Bayırı Street. Nebahat A., 92 years old, was living with her grandchild at the time of the incident. It is unclear why she fell, but her grandchild immediately reported the incident to authorities.

Police and medical teams quickly arrived at the scene and the injured woman was rushed to Izmit Seka State Hospital. Despite the medical interventions, Nebahat A. succumbed to her injuries and could not be saved.

This heartbreaking incident serves as a reminder of the importance of taking precautions, especially for the elderly living in high-rise buildings. Our thoughts are with the family and loved ones of Nebahat A. during this difficult time.



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