
Employee Safety Rights Guaranteed by BRTK

The Chamber of Civil Engineers has issued a statement reminding employers and the Department of Labor about the importance of ensuring safety in the workplace. According to the Chamber, it is the responsibility of employers to provide a safe working environment for their employees, as guaranteed by the Constitution.

The Chamber emphasized that the Department of Labor also plays a crucial role in enforcing safety regulations and ensuring that employers fulfill their duties. However, recent statistics on work accidents and worker deaths in the country indicate that both employers and the state are failing to uphold their responsibilities.

The statement attributed work accidents to management weaknesses and called for the implementation of regular training and awareness campaigns in workplaces. It stressed the importance of recognizing the rights of employees to work in a safe environment and urged both employers and the government to take action to prevent future incidents.

In conclusion, the Chamber of Civil Engineers highlighted the need for a collective effort to prioritize workplace safety and protect the well-being of all workers. It is hoped that by raising awareness and promoting a culture of safety, the number of work-related accidents and fatalities can be reduced significantly.



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