
Environmental Cleansing Efforts Persist, Garbage Scenery Remains Unaltered

Despite ongoing efforts to clean the beaches twice a day, the Ministry of Tourism has reported that the garbage situation remains unchanged. The Deputy Prime Ministry, Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Environment has stated that despite the cleaning efforts, the beaches are still not as clean and healthy as they should be.

According to the Ministry, 5 teams of environmentally sensitive young people are responsible for cleaning 4 beach regions – Gazimağusa, İskele, Yeniboğaziçi, and Tatlısu beaches. These teams work diligently both in the morning and evening to remove garbage from the beaches. However, despite their efforts, the amount of garbage collected has not decreased and the appearance of the beaches has not improved.

The Ministry has assured the public that they will continue their cleaning efforts throughout the summer months in order to ensure that the beaches are clean and healthy for both locals and tourists. It is important for everyone to do their part in keeping the beaches clean and to dispose of their garbage properly to maintain the beauty of these natural spaces.



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