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Existing Lease Remains Valid After Property Sale

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Landlords in Turkey Attempting to Evict Tenants by Transferring Homes to Family Members

In response to exorbitant prices in the housing market, Turkey implemented an official increase rate limit of 25 percent as a measure to protect tenants. However, some landlords who are unable to achieve the desired increase are taking drastic measures to evict tenants, including transferring their homes to first-degree relatives as a means of renewing contracts. Despite this tactic, experts say that contract renewals are not a valid reason for eviction.

The law states that selling a property to a lessor does not cancel an existing lease, and even in the case of an owner’s death, his heirs are still legally required to uphold the contract. Assoc. Dr. Lightning Cuts emphasizes that neither the new owner nor the previous owner is permitted to attempt eviction without a valid reason listed in the law.

Many tenants facing this situation are uncertain of how to proceed. According to Keser, an expert in the field, new owners are required to uphold the lease agreement and do not have the authority to terminate contracts. Keser advises tenants not to be swayed by the idea that they must leave due to a new owner’s disagreement with the terms of the contract.

In summary, landlords in Turkey should be aware that transferring property ownership to a family member is not a valid means of eviction. Tenants must be informed of their rights, and new owners are required to uphold existing lease agreements.



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