
Exploring Hungary’s Hidden Lakes: Beyond Balaton and Velence!

Hungary is known for its stunning lakes that offer a variety of recreational activities for visitors. While Lake Balaton and Lake Velence are popular tourist destinations, there are many other hidden gems waiting to be explored this summer. Here are five beautiful lakes in Hungary that are worth visiting for hiking, swimming, and fishing.

1. Orfű Lake:
Located just a few kilometres from Pécs, the Orfű lake system consists of five lakes, with Orfű Lake being the first to be established. This picturesque lake is perfect for swimming and fishing, with a variety of fish species like carp, grass carp, catfish, and pike. The surrounding area is ideal for hiking and cycling, offering well-marked trails through scenic landscapes. Visitors can also enjoy water sports such as kayaking and paddleboarding.

2. Jósvafői Sea Point:
Jósvafői Tengerszem is an artificial lake created in 1942 by damming the Jósva spring from the Baradla Cave. The lake’s emerald green water is stunning, but its cold temperature makes it unsuitable for swimming. However, the area is a paradise for hikers, with beautiful hiking trails and educational opportunities about karst formations and local flora and fauna.

3. Gentle Lake (Szelidi Lake):
Situated near Kalocsa in the Kiskunság region, Szelid Lake is the fifth largest natural lake in Hungary. Its unique serpentine shape, resembling a snake, makes it a picturesque destination for nature walks and bird watching. The surrounding lush landscapes add to the charm of this lake.

4. Vekeri Lake:
Located east of Debrecen in the Erdőspuszták area, Vekeri Lake offers recreational activities such as hiking, cycling, picnicking, and fishing. The recent rainy weather has restored the lake’s beauty after it dried up last year due to severe drought. Bird watchers will also enjoy the various species of waterfowl that visit the lake.

5. Hunting Lake (Vadása Lake):
Found in Őrség and Hegyhátszentjakab, Vadása Lake was created in 1968 and is fed by twelve streams. The lake is divided into two parts, with the smaller one offering a secluded spot for fishing enthusiasts. Species like carp, grass carp, bream, and pike-perch can be found in the lake, making it a popular spot for camping and enjoying the serene environment.

These five stunning lakes in Hungary offer a unique and memorable experience for outdoor enthusiasts and nature lovers. Whether you enjoy hiking, swimming, fishing, or simply relaxing by the water, these lakes have something for everyone. Make sure to add them to your summer travel itinerary and create lifelong memories in the beautiful Hungarian countryside.


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