
Exploring Safety in Hungary: An Updated Crime Map

The number of felonies in Hungary reached a five-year peak in 2023, with a significant increase in registered crimes in various counties. While the number of serious crimes like homicide fell on a national level, frauds and thefts saw a significant increase. In Budapest and Pest County, the number of crimes was the highest, but considering the population density, this was not surprising.

On a positive note, some counties saw a decrease in the number of crimes, with Nógrád County leading the way with a 14% decrease. The number of bodily harm cases also decreased in some counties, while drunk driving cases saw fluctuations across different regions.

Despite the growing trend in certain crime types, Hungary and Budapest remain safe for foreign guest workers and tourists. The increase in crime rates may be attributed to the end of COVID restrictions in 2023, making it the first “free year” after 2019.

For more detailed information, you can check out Pénzcentrum’s crime maps based on the latest data from the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH). It is essential to stay informed about crime trends and take necessary precautions to ensure personal safety in different regions.


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