
Famagusta Traffic Set to Improve in 3 Months as Renovation Works Finish

Renovation works have officially begun on the connection road between Güvercinlik Junction and Old Famagusta main road in Famagusta. This project is a collaborative effort between the Highways Department, Famagusta Municipality, and Beyarmudu Municipality, with support from the Famagusta District Governorate. The goal is to improve traffic flow and connectivity in the area.

According to Famagusta Mayor Süleyman Uluçay, this road is a crucial link for Famagusta traffic, connecting the old Nicosia main road with the new Nicosia main road. As the city continues to grow, the importance of this road only increases. Uluçay praised the Ministry of Public Works and Transport, as well as the Highways Department, for their cooperation and support in making this project a reality.

It is expected that approximately 1 kilometer of road will be opened for use within the next 3 months. The total cost for the infrastructure and superstructure of the road is estimated to be 11 and a half million. Local concrete companies are also contributing to the construction efforts.

Overall, this project is a significant step towards improving transportation infrastructure in Famagusta and will provide residents with a more efficient and well-connected road network.



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