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Fatal Accident: Driver loses control of steering wheel, resulting in one death

A tragic accident occurred on the 8th kilometer of the Kahta-Diyarbakır road at night, resulting in one fatality and multiple injuries. The driver, Bilal Özdemir, lost control of his car with plate number 02 SA 531, causing it to crash into a culvert at the roadside. In addition to the driver, several passengers were also injured in the accident, including B.C. (2), Y.Ö. (5), E.Ö. (15), B.C. (8), B.C. (9), and E.Ö. (34).

Emergency response teams, including the gendarmerie, 112 medical personnel, and fire brigade, rushed to the scene after the accident. The injured individuals were provided with first aid on-site before being transferred to Kahta State Hospital for further treatment. Tragically, Esmer Özdemir (34), who was identified as the mother of the injured children, succumbed to her injuries despite the best efforts of medical personnel.

An investigation has been launched to determine the cause of the accident. Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families during this difficult time.



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