
Fears of Political Extinction Grip Hungarian Socialists

Hungarian Socialists Call for Opposition Cooperation in Municipal and EP Elections

Ágnes Kunhalmi, the co-leader of the opposition Socialists in Hungary, has made a strong call for opposition parties to come together and cooperate in the upcoming municipal elections. She has proposed the idea of setting up a joint list for the EP elections as well.

Speaking at a press conference in central Budapest, Kunhalmi emphasized the need for opposition unity in order to prevent the ruling Fidesz party from taking control of Budapest and winning the municipal elections. She pointed out that the opposition had previously joined forces and achieved success in 14 districts in the 2019 elections, and urged for support for the incumbent opposition mayors.

Kunhalmi also announced her party’s endorsement of the incumbent 8th district mayor Andras Piko, who represents several opposition parties. She expressed the Socialists’ commitment to continuing their signature drive to gather public support for opposition cooperation in both the municipal and EP elections in Budapest and across the country.

According to the latest polls, the Socialists’ chances of gaining a seat in the European Parliament on 9 June are almost zero. As a result, experts agree that the party’s best chance lies in forming a joint list for the EP elections.

This call for cooperation comes as a response to the need for a strong and unified opposition in Hungary. With the municipal elections approaching, the opposition parties will have to work together in order to effectively challenge the ruling Fidesz party. It remains to be seen whether the opposition will heed Kunhalmi’s call and unite in the upcoming elections.


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