
Fidesz Candidate Szentkirályi Gears Up for Hands-On Mayoral Role

Alexandra Szentkirályi, the Fidesz party’s candidate for mayor of Budapest, is gearing up for a tough fight to lead the city. In an interview with weekly Mandiner, she expressed her firm belief in Budapest and her readiness to work tirelessly for its progress.

As a politician known for her discipline, Szentkirályi emphasized the importance of having a clear vision for the capital city. She acknowledged Budapest’s cultural significance and its economic strength, highlighting the need for continued development and improvement.

Criticism was directed towards the incumbent mayor, Gergely Karácsony, whom Szentkirályi described as a “controversial politician” with a track record of missed opportunities and failed promises. She accused him of aligning himself too closely with opposition figures like Ferenc Gyurcsány, to the detriment of the city’s residents.

If elected, Szentkirályi has outlined ambitious plans to enhance public transportation, tackle homelessness in a compassionate yet orderly manner, and improve cleanliness in public spaces. She also aims to deploy city caretakers to maintain order and ensure the well-being of Budapest’s residents.

In a broader context, Szentkirályi sees the upcoming elections as a battleground between globalists and sovereigntists, with Budapest at the frontline. She underscored the importance of defending Hungary’s sovereignty and resisting outside influences that seek to undermine the nation’s interests.

As the campaign heats up, Szentkirályi’s message is clear: she is prepared to lead Budapest with determination, vision, and a commitment to serving the city’s residents.



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