
Fidesz MEP: Left-wing EPP, Socialists, and Liberals Create ‘Pro-War’ Alliance

The European political landscape is facing a tumultuous time as tensions rise between different factions within the European Parliament. Fidesz MEP Tamás Deutsch has accused the “left-wing European People’s Party”, along with socialists and liberals, of forming a “pro-war platform” that goes against the will of European voters.

Deutsch pointed out that the recent EP elections had resulted in a 20 percent increase in “sovereigntist, right-wing, and conservative” MEPs, indicating a shift towards right-wing ideologies among European voters. He criticized the left-wing forces for overriding the election results and accused them of supporting illegal migration and war, which he called “a declaration of war against the basic institutions of democracy.”

The Fidesz MEP also raised concerns about Hungarian opposition leaders forming alliances with European political parties that do not align with Hungary’s national interests. Despite these challenges, Hungary is gearing up to take on the EU presidency with a focus on boosting European competitiveness and addressing key issues such as infrastructure, energy, and security.

The EU affairs minister, János Bóka, emphasized the importance of streamlining EU legislation, enhancing the internal market, and promoting a European security and defense policy to tackle ongoing challenges such as the migration crisis. Hungary’s presidency aims to navigate the transitions within the European institutions while delivering the changes that European citizens expect based on the outcome of the EP elections.

As Europe braces for a period of uncertainty and change, Hungary’s presidency will play a crucial role in guiding the EU towards a more stable and prosperous future.


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