
FIFA and UEFA under fire for excluding Turkish Cypriot youth from international sports

President of the Assembly of the Republic Criticizes FIFA and UEFA for Turkish Cypriot Sports Embargo

Zorlu Töre, President of the Assembly of the Republic, has spoken out against FIFA, UEFA, and the Greek Football Federation for imposing embargoes on Turkish Cypriot youth in the international sports arena. Töre expressed his disappointment at the restrictions placed on Turkish Cypriot football teams, citing pressure from the Greek side as the reason behind the embargoes.

In response to a statement made by Yorgos Kumas, President of the Greek Football Federation, Töre condemned the refusal to allow Turkish Cypriot youth to participate in international sports events. He highlighted the historical formation of the Turkish Cypriot Football Federation in response to discriminatory attitudes from the EOKA members, emphasizing the right of everyone to participate in sports.

Töre criticized the ongoing medieval mentality of the Greek side and accused UEFA and FIFA of supporting this stance. He lamented the lack of justice in the world and the European Union, citing the embargoes as evidence of the unfair treatment faced by Turkish Cypriot athletes.

Additionally, Töre voiced his full support for investors from Turkey, echoing the sentiments of Ahmet Kılınç, Mersin Provincial Chairman of Istanbul Industrialists’ and Investor Businessmen’s Association. Kılınç expressed a desire to contribute to the industry and employment in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus through investments.

The statements were made during a reception held at the Assembly Hall of Honor, where Töre and Kılınç exchanged gifts following their speeches. The event served as a platform for advocating for the rights of Turkish Cypriot athletes and promoting investment in the region.



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