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First Lady Erdoğan Shares at AK Party Consultation Meeting

First Lady Emine Erdoğan recently took to social media to highlight the 31st Consultation and Evaluation Meeting of the AK Party. The meeting took place at a hotel in Ankara’s Kızılcahamam district, where party members gathered to discuss important matters.

In her social media post, First Lady Erdoğan emphasized the AK Party’s commitment to serving the nation and promoting development and progress over the last 22 years. She shared photos from the meeting and expressed her hopes for its success, stating, “Keeping the will of the nation above all else, the AK Party has been pioneering service production, development, and progress. I hope that the 31st Consultation and Evaluation Meeting of the AK Party, which walks with the nation at every step for the Turkish Century, will be beneficial.”

The AK Party has been a key player in Turkish politics for over two decades, and First Lady Erdoğan’s post showcases the party’s dedication to working for the people and the nation. The meeting serves as a platform for party members to come together, discuss important issues, and strategize for the future. With the support of its members and leaders like First Lady Erdoğan, the AK Party continues to move forward towards its goals of progress and development for Turkey.


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