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Flooding wreaks havoc in Balıkesir due to heavy rain

Heavy downpour causes flooding in Edremit district

Residents of Edremit were caught off guard by a heavy downpour that led to flooding in various parts of the district. As the rain poured down, many people sought shelter under the eaves of buildings to stay dry.

Houses and workplaces were inundated with water, causing inconvenience and damage to property. In response to the situation, the Balıkesir Metropolitan Municipality dispatched teams to address the issue. These teams worked diligently to clear clogged grates and drain the water that had accumulated on the streets.

The efforts of the municipality teams were captured in a photo showing the extent of the flooding in Edremit. Despite the challenges posed by the heavy rainfall, residents and officials worked together to mitigate the effects of the downpour and ensure the safety of everyone in the district.

As the cleanup and recovery efforts continue, residents are reminded to stay vigilant and prepared for future weather events that may result in similar situations. The community’s resilience and cooperation in times of need demonstrate the strength and unity of the people of Edremit.



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