
Foreign Backers of Opposition Media Protected by Chain Financing

The Viewpoint Institute has brought attention to the lack of transparency in foreign funding for media outlets critical of the Hungarian government, pointing out the use of chain financing to conceal the true source of funds. This system involves donors funneling money through a network of international organizations, which then provide financial or in-kind support to the media.

According to Hungarian Nation, these organizations, supported by large donors from similar political and cultural circles, play a significant role in financing critical media. The report highlighted key contributors such as the Open Society Foundations, the Oak Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Sigrid Rausing Trust, and the National Endowment for Democracy. Despite George Soros’ Open Society Foundations announcing the cessation of activities in the EU in 2023, they continue to fund Hungarian media critical of the government through chain funding methods.

The increase in government-critical media outlets since 2010 has raised concerns about the influence of these foreign funds on Hungary’s media landscape. A majority of the adult population in Hungary relies on such critical sources for news and information.

As the issue of foreign funding for critical media outlets persists, it remains crucial for the public to be aware of the potential biases and agendas behind such financial support. The Viewpoint Institute’s report sheds light on the importance of transparency and accountability in media financing to ensure the integrity and independence of journalistic practices.

Via Hungarian Nation; Featured Image: Pixabay



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