
Foreign Minister Blames Ukraine for Threatening Energy Security

Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó has strongly criticized Ukraine for jeopardizing the national security of both Hungary and Slovakia by blocking the oil transit from Russia’s Lukoil. Speaking at an informal EU foreign affairs council in Brussels, Mr. Szijjártó accused Ukraine of undermining energy security by obstructing a significant portion of Hungary’s oil imports and Slovakia’s as well.

Szijjártó emphasized the importance of energy security as a matter of national security, stating that if one country threatens the energy security of another, it ultimately puts the national security interests of the targeted country at risk. He expressed frustration with the European Commission, suggesting that the EU is either too weak to act or complicit in instructing Kyiv to impose these restrictions.

The Foreign Minister also criticized the EU’s response to Ukraine’s actions and highlighted Hungary’s role in supporting Ukraine’s energy security, with a significant portion of Ukrainian electricity imports coming via Hungary. Szijjártó noted that Hungary is working towards a long-term solution through negotiations with Russian suppliers and the Ukrainian system operator, but emphasized that the resolution of this issue should be handled by either Ukraine restoring the previous status quo or the EU taking decisive action.

Overall, the Hungarian government is pushing for a resolution to the oil transit blockade issue, emphasizing the importance of national and energy security for both Hungary and Slovakia. Szijjártó’s statements reflect the growing tensions surrounding energy security in the region and the need for a coordinated response to challenges in this area.



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