
Foreign Ministry Condemns Producers and Platform – BRTK

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs Condemns Netflix Series on Cyprus Peace Operation

Reactions have been pouring in regarding the upcoming series on the Cyprus Peace Operation, set to be aired on the popular digital platform Netflix. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has also expressed its strong disapproval of the series.

In a recent statement released by the ministry, both the producers of the series and the digital platform were condemned for their involvement in the project. The ministry called for the series, which is said to be based on false, incorrect, and biased claims, not to be broadcast.

The statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs addressed the trailer of the series, which was criticized for portraying unrealistic and fictional events surrounding the conflict in Cyprus. The ministry highlighted that the series paints the glorious Turkish army in a negative light, falsely accusing them of threatening the lives of civilians during the events in 1974.

Furthermore, the statement emphasized Turkey’s legitimate intervention in Cyprus in order to bring an end to the bloodshed on the island. The ministry asserted that the presence of the Turkish Armed Forces is essential for ensuring and protecting peace in Cyprus today.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs denounced any attempts to distort historical facts and reaffirmed Turkey’s commitment to defending its just cause on every platform. The statement also commemorated July 20, 1974, as the day of liberation for the Turkish Cypriot people, symbolizing the protection of their sovereign rights and equal status on the island.

In conclusion, the ministry honored the martyrs and veterans who sacrificed themselves for the cause, emphasizing that no attempt to distort the reality of the situation in Cyprus will overshadow the truth. The statement reiterated Turkey’s unwavering dedication to upholding peace and justice in the region.



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