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Foreign Ministry Responds to Israel on Ayşenur Ezgi Eygi Situation

The Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs recently made a statement regarding the death of a Turkish citizen in the West Bank. The citizen, identified as Ayşenur Ezgi Eygi, was reportedly killed by Israeli soldiers in the city of Nablus.

In the official statement, the Ministry expressed deep sorrow over the incident and extended their condolences to the family of the deceased. They condemned the actions of the Israeli government under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, accusing them of using violence to intimidate those who support Palestinians and advocate for peaceful resistance against genocide. The Ministry vowed that those responsible for the crime would be held accountable before international courts.

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Öncü Keçeli provided further details about Eygi, revealing that he held both Turkish and American citizenship and had been residing in the United States. The Turkish Consulate General in Jerusalem is currently in contact with local authorities regarding the incident.

Keçeli mentioned that Eygi was taken to Rafidia Hospital after being shot in the head, but unfortunately, could not be saved. The family of the deceased will decide on the burial arrangements, and if they choose to bury him in Turkey, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will assist with the consular process.

In cases like this, autopsies are usually performed by local authorities, and the funeral transportation process can take approximately 2-3 weeks. The Ministry anticipates that a similar procedure will be followed in this case as well. The Turkish government remains in contact with local authorities to ensure a thorough investigation into Eygi’s death.



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