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Former Czech President Klaus to participate in July 15 event in Prague

Turkey’s Ambassador to Prague, Egemen Bağış, has announced details about a special event that will take place in honor of July 15 Democracy and National Unity Day. This year’s commemoration event will feature a groundbreaking addition, as former Czech Republic President, Vaclav Klaus, will be the guest speaker at the Turkish embassy in Prague.

Bağış highlighted the significance of having President Klaus speak at the July 15th ceremony, noting his ten-year tenure as the President of the Czech Republic and his esteemed status as one of Europe’s leading intellectuals. Klaus will emphasize the importance of Turkey upholding its democratic values, particularly in light of the challenges faced by the nation.

In his remarks, Bağış paid tribute to the martyrs who sacrificed their lives to defend democracy, as well as the veterans and citizens who stood united in protecting their country against threats to its stability and freedom. He also addressed the need to expose and confront the treacherous network of FETÖ, a group responsible for attempting to overthrow the democratically elected government through a violent coup in 2016.

Describing Klaus as a statesman who has held various high-ranking positions in the Czech Republic, Bağış emphasized the significance of Klaus’ speech in shedding light on the heroic resistance displayed by Turkish citizens from all walks of life during the July 15th events. He noted that Klaus’ presence at the commemoration event will help to underscore the unity and determination shown by the Turkish people in defending their democracy.

Bağış also mentioned that the event in Prague will be attended by many foreign mission heads, underscoring the international importance of commemorating the events of July 15th and honoring the memory of those who lost their lives in defense of democracy.



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