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France Sets Election Schedule With First Round Tomorrow

France is gearing up for a crucial election as 49.5 million French voters prepare to head to the polls to elect 577 deputies to represent them in the National Assembly for the next 5 years. The second round of elections, which will see 4,09 parliamentary candidates compete, is set to take place on July 7.

In anticipation of the elections, voters who are unable to physically cast their ballots have the option to grant proxy voting rights to another individual. In the first round of elections, approximately 2.125 million people opted to utilize this system, highlighting the high level of engagement expected in this year’s general elections.

The election landscape in France is dominated by three main alliances – the far-right National Rally party led by Marine Le Pen, the left-wing and environmentalist Popular Front alliance, and President Emmanuel Macron’s Rönesans party which has formed an alliance with the Democracy Movement and Horizons under the banner of “All Together for the Republic.”

Polls indicate that the far-right RN-led alliance is on track to secure a majority of votes in the first round of the election, followed by the Popular Front and Macron’s alliance. Promises from the RN to reduce immigration and from the Popular Front to provide welfare measures for French citizens have been key talking points in the run-up to the elections.

However, concerns loom over the decision to hold the elections before the Paris Olympics scheduled for later in July. The fear of heightened political tensions leading to protests and demonstrations that could impact the capital city of Paris during the Olympic Games is a cause for worry among the public.

As the countdown to the elections continues, all eyes are on France as voters prepare to make their voices heard and shape the future of the country’s political landscape.


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