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Fresh Twist in Hospital ‘Swan’ Scandal

A pharmaceutical representative in Bolu has filed a complaint with the Ministry of Health Communication Center (SABİM) alleging that orthopedic doctors at two hospitals in the area have been writing prescriptions for drugs from a specific pharmaceutical company and taking half of the money from the sales of these drugs. The representative, identified as T.Ş., claimed that doctors were receiving kickbacks in exchange for prescribing certain medications to patients.

Following this complaint, an administrative investigation has been initiated against orthopedic doctors at Bolu İzzet Baysal State Hospital and İzzet Baysal Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Training and Research Hospital. It was reported that pharmaceutical representative T.Ş. had been meeting with the doctors regularly and providing them with a portion of the money received from the sales of drugs.

In a scandalous revelation, T.Ş. detailed how he had been engaging in unethical practices with the doctors, including exchanging payments for medical procedures such as PRP treatments. The investigation also revealed that messages sent on WhatsApp were being used as a communication tool for these illegal activities.

As a result of the scandal, a judicial investigation has been launched against four doctors, in addition to the administrative investigation conducted by the Provincial Health Directorate. The Bolu Governorship has requested an inspector from the Ministry of Health to further investigate the matter. The fate of the doctors involved in the scandal will be determined based on the findings of these investigations.


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