
From Hidden Gem to Hot Spot: Small Spa Town Becomes Popular Tourist Destination

The Bihar thermaliget spa and beach resort in Berettyóújfalu has recently been awarded a four-star rating, marking a significant milestone for tourism in the region. This achievement is expected to boost the city’s popularity and establish it as a prominent tourist destination along the Hungarian-Romanian border.

The announcement was made by the city government during a press conference, where it was revealed that the resort underwent a major renovation costing 3.5 billion forints (EUR 8.7 million) in the summer of 2023. This investment led to an improvement in the facility’s quality, ultimately earning it the prestigious four-star rating the following year.

According to István Vitányi, Member of Parliament, the resort is now just one star away from obtaining a five-star qualification. Plans are already in place to build a new building in the near future to further enhance the resort’s offerings. With the recent opening of the road between Romania and Hungary due to Romania’s accession to the Schengen Area, tourists from the neighboring country can now easily access the spa, leading to an expected increase in visitors.

Mayor István Muraközi highlighted the positive impact of the resort on the region, noting that it not only attracts tourists but also provides employment opportunities for the local community. Initiatives such as providing passes to pensioners and families with children have proven successful in encouraging more people to visit the spa.

Péter Zámbori, the CEO of Herpály Vagyonkezelő Kft., discussed the rigorous criteria that had to be met to attain the four-star rating. The qualification is valid for three years, with the expectation that ongoing improvements will be made to maintain the rating. The CEO reported a significant increase in guest nights at the resort in January, showcasing the positive impact of the recent developments.

Overall, the Bihar thermaliget spa and beach resort’s four-star rating is a significant milestone for tourism in Berettyóújfalu and is expected to further enhance the city’s appeal to both domestic and international visitors.



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