
Gara Duman Cycling Team Raises Cyclists’ Voices in Press Statement

Gara Duman Cycling Team Advocates for Cyclist Safety

The Gara Duman Cycling Team recently made a powerful statement in front of the Nicosia Accident Court, calling for greater awareness and safety measures for cyclists. This comes after a recent bicycle accident that left members of the team injured.

Raif Hızal, speaking on behalf of the team, emphasized the need for society to recognize and respect the presence of cyclists on the roads. “Cyclists are often ignored, and it is crucial to raise awareness and educate the public on this issue,” said Hızal.

Highlighting the importance of education, Hızal stressed that change begins with educating the public and fostering a sense of responsibility towards cyclists.

The action was supported by Hüseyin Akcan, President of the Bicycle Lovers Association, who called for systemic changes and urged the society to be more sensitive to cyclists sharing the road.

The press statement came amid legal proceedings against a suspect who caused injuries to two cyclists on the Nicosia-Kyrenia main road on November 13. The court has ordered the suspect to be held in prison for a maximum of 20 days until their cases are discussed.

The Gara Duman Cycling Team and its supporters hope that their advocacy and actions will lead to greater respect and safety for cyclists on the roads, as they continue to push for change and awareness in the community.



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