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Germany Adopts Draft Law Expanding Federal Police Powers

The German Federal Police Law may soon undergo a significant reform, as the proposed bill by Minister of Internal Affairs Nancy Faeser was discussed and accepted by the Council of Ministers.

Minister Faeser stated that the reform of one of the country’s most important security laws will provide the Federal Police with necessary powers to carry out their mission effectively.

According to the bill, the Federal Police will be granted new and additional powers to prevent dangers. This includes the authority to monitor telecommunications, collect traffic data, and detect SIM cards and mobile phones to ensure public safety.

Additionally, the Federal Police will also be permitted to use unmanned aerial vehicles for audio and video surveillance in order to prevent potential threats. They will also have the capability to use technical tools to neutralize any dangers posed by these unmanned vehicles.

The bill also outlines measures for the Federal Police to ban individuals suspected of committing serious crimes from certain places for a designated period. Furthermore, video and audio monitoring of detention centers will be allowed to protect both prisoners and Federal Police employees.

In an effort to increase transparency and accountability, police officers will be assigned identification numbers, and individuals questioned by the Federal Police will receive a letter with information on where, when, and why they were questioned.

The bill is now pending approval by the Bundestag, and if passed, it will bring about significant changes to the operations and powers of the German Federal Police.


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