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Germany Issues Warning of Regional War

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock warned of the danger of a regional war if the parties in Israel and Lebanon reject ceasefire efforts.

26/06/2024 02:01

During a press conference in Berlin, Minister Baerbock expressed deep concern over the escalating tensions between Israel and Lebanon. She urged the parties to immediately cease hostilities and engage in dialogue to prevent further violence and bloodshed.

“The situation in the region is already volatile, and any escalation could have dire consequences for the entire Middle East. It is imperative that both Israel and Lebanon prioritize peace and security for their citizens,” Baerbock stated.

The German government has been actively involved in diplomatic efforts to broker a ceasefire between the two countries. Baerbock emphasized the need for international support to de-escalate the conflict and prevent it from spiraling into a wider regional war.


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