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Get Paid to Stay: Spend 4 Hours at a Restaurant and Earn 1500 TL!

Businesses in Turkey’s major tourist resorts are facing challenges in attracting customers this year, as many citizens are reluctant to dine out due to high prices. In a bid to address this issue, a cafe in the Çeşme district of İzmir resorted to deceptive tactics by posting a fake customer ad offering 1500 liras to stunt customers for 4 hours just to create the illusion of a bustling establishment. This controversial ad sparked a wave of reactions on social media.

Consumer Confederation (TÜKONFED) Deputy Chairman İbrahim Güllü expressed concerns about the skyrocketing prices in restaurants and eateries, which have been putting a strain on citizens’ budgets. Moreover, he highlighted the unfair practice of adding a service fee of at least 10%, leading to exorbitant bills for consumers.

Employing stuntmen to fill up seats is not only unethical but also deceptive towards consumers. To curb such misleading activities, measures need to be taken to prevent exorbitant price hikes in cafes, restaurants, and eateries. Constant monitoring and regulation of prices are vital to ensure fair practices in the market.

In response to deceptive practices like menu board discrepancies, citizens can file complaints with the Unfair Price Assessment Board under the Ministry of Trade and the Advertisement Board against misleading advertisements. Administrative fines will be imposed on companies found guilty of deceptive practices.

Under the law on the regulation of retail trade, businesses engaging in unfair practices may face administrative fines ranging from 100 thousand TL to 1 million TL for each violation. Additionally, fines of 1 million TL to 12 million TL can be imposed for activities that disrupt market balance and hinder consumer access to goods.

It is crucial for both businesses and consumers to uphold ethical standards and work towards ensuring a fair and transparent marketplace for all stakeholders.



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