
Gourmet Chief Lecturer Mustafa Şah Shares New Year Traditions with BRT

The Turkish Cypriot New Year Celebrations and Traditions

Every country has its own unique traditions and rituals when it comes to celebrating New Year’s Eve. In the Turkish Cypriot culture, the celebration is marked by ancient traditions and symbolic rituals that have been passed down through generations.

Chief Lecturer Mustafa Şah recently shared insights into the New Year traditions of the Turkish Cypriot culture. According to Şah, the tradition of celebrating the New Year in this culture dates back to ancient times. One of the key traditions is the decoration of pine trees, symbolizing immortality, with hopes of luck, abundance, and brightness for the coming year.

Decorating trees and placing gifts under them for children is a longstanding tradition in Turkish Cypriot culture. As for the New Year’s table, in recent years, simple yet protein-rich menus have become popular. This includes dishes such as potato and onion stews and home-cooked pasta with rooster meat.

In addition to the food, traditional games of chance with almonds or sweet prizes are played in front of the fireplace. Bingo has also become an indispensable part of the New Year traditions for many families.

The culture of cooking turkey, which is common in other countries during Christmas and Thanksgiving, has also become part of Turkish Cypriot New Year celebrations in recent years. Additionally, golifa, a symbolic dish representing abundance, is a must on New Year’s tables.

As traditions evolve and blend with modern influences, Turkish Cypriot New Year celebrations continue to be a rich tapestry of ancient customs and contemporary practices.


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