
Government Urged for Urgent Solutions by Butchers’ Association

Butchers’ Association Demands Urgent Government Action to Control Meat Prices

The Butchers’ Association has raised concerns over the recent increases in meat prices and is urging the government to find a solution to ensure that meat and meat products are sold to the public at a price range that would balance prices in Southern Cyprus.

In a statement issued by the union, the ongoing increases in live animal prices have led to a corresponding increase in meat prices, resulting in significant financial losses for butchers and a decrease in customers due to insufficient animals in the market.

The lack of animal and vegetable production in the country has also been highlighted, leading to expensive prices and forcing citizens to travel to Southern Cyprus for their shopping needs, further damaging local traders who are already struggling under economic difficulties.

The Butchers’ Association is calling for urgent government intervention to address the poor situation of local traders and the decreasing purchasing power of the people. They are demanding that the government take immediate measures to sell meat and meat products to citizens at a price range that can balance prices in Southern Cyprus.

The association warned of a potential collapse in the industry if no action is taken, emphasizing the crucial role of butcher tradesmen in the country’s production and tourism sectors. It also highlighted the negative impact of the current trend on animal slaughter and urged the government to find a solution to the situation before it worsens.

The Butchers’ Association’s statement serves as a call to action for the government to address the pressing issue of rising meat prices and to work towards finding a solution that benefits both the industry and the public.


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