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Hamas Denounces Destruction at Rafah Gate as Inconsequential to Reality

Hamas Condemns Israeli Forces’ Destruction at Rafah Border Gate

Hamas has issued a statement in response to the images released by Israeli army radio showing the extensive destruction caused by Israeli forces at the Rafah Border Gate.

The statement strongly denounces the Israeli army’s demolition of the Palestinian side of the border gate, describing it as a further continuation of the crimes and violations committed against the Palestinian people. Hamas has accused the Israeli occupation administration of attempting to isolate Gaza from the rest of the world, perpetuating acts of genocide, and destroying essential elements of life in the region.

Despite the destruction carried out at the Rafah Border Gate, Hamas reaffirmed that it will remain as the Palestine-Egypt border crossing. The statement emphasized that the gate will be reopened at the will of Palestine once the occupation is ended and all forms of aggression against Gaza come to an end.

The Israeli army has confirmed that the Palestinian side of the Rafah Border Gate in the southern Gaza Strip has been completely demolished and rendered unusable. Images of the extensive destruction caused by Israeli forces at the border gate were broadcast on Israeli army radio.

Recently, the Israeli army called for the evacuation of several neighborhoods in the eastern part of Rafah, where forcibly displaced Palestinians had sought refuge. Following this, a land attack was launched on the Rafah region of Gaza, with the Israeli army declaring that it had captured the Gaza side of the border gate with Egypt on the morning of May 7th.

The destruction at the Rafah Border Gate has sparked outrage and condemnation from Palestinian authorities, with Hamas vowing to continue their fight against the occupation and for the rights of the Palestinian people.


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