
Hidden Architectural Treasure Discovered in Buda Castle: Exclusive Photos

Experts have made an exciting discovery during the reconstruction of Buda Castle, uncovering original elements from the Hauszmann era that have been hidden for decades. The removal of the northern wing has revealed an intricately decorated architectural detail that adds a new dimension to the restoration project.

The eastern facade of the northern wing, facing the Danube, has been found to contain original Hauszmann-era masonry, which has been carefully preserved and reinforced with a steel structure. However, the most remarkable discovery came during the dismantling of a first-floor window casing on the same facade.

Hidden beneath layers of plaster, experts uncovered a wavy coffered design adorned with faux marble and elaborate moldings. This decorative element, originally part of the palace’s cloakroom lobby designed by Alajos Hauszmann, had been lost from sight during the communist-era alterations of the 1960s.

The rediscovery of this forgotten decoration holds immense significance for the ongoing restoration of Buda Castle. Together with previously found fragments, this find provides valuable insights into the original colors, materials, and textures of the palace’s cloakroom lobby from the early 20th century.

The restoration project is progressing, with the northern wing’s structure set to reach its highest point later this year. The building will soon house a new exhibition on the history of the palace, showcasing its past and bringing us closer to reviving its original splendor and elegance.

This incredible find not only enriches our understanding of Buda Castle’s history but also highlights the importance of preserving and restoring architectural heritage for future generations to enjoy.



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