
Hungarian Boy Arrested after Waving Swastika Flag in Disturbing Photos

15-Year-Old Boy Charged with Using Authoritarian Symbol and Damaging Monument in Győr

The Győr District Prosecutor’s Office has recently pressed charges against a 15-year-old boy accused of using an authoritarian symbol and causing damage to a monument. The incident allegedly took place in July 2022, in Győr, Hungary.

According to the statement released by the prosecutor’s office, the young perpetrator was reportedly having fun with his friends in a park while heavily under the influence of alcohol. During this time, he pulled out a flag with a swastika symbol from his bag. Shockingly, he proceeded to display it to passers-by and stretched it out on a fence in a clearly visible manner.

Concerned citizens promptly alerted the police, who eventually intervened and removed the flag containing the authoritarian symbol. This incident was not an isolated one, as the young boy allegedly committed another offense in October 2022. During the early evening hours, he reportedly defaced the building of the Győr synagogue by drawing nine swastikas on it using an alcohol-based marker. The damage caused by this act is estimated to be nearly HUF 40,000 (EUR 104).

The Győr District Court will now be responsible for deciding on the charges brought against the 15-year-old perpetrator. The court will assess the evidence and hear testimonies before reaching a verdict.

To provide a clearer picture of the incident, attached pictures depict the flag used by the young boy, which prominently displayed the swastika symbol.

It is disheartening to witness such incidents, especially involving adolescents. In a separate case, a Hungarian boy was reported to have committed a robbery in Italy, raising concerns about the behavior of some young individuals. However, it is crucial to remember that these cases should not be generalized and that the actions of a few do not represent an entire demographic.

For those interested in crime-related news from Hungary, numerous articles on the subject are available for readers to explore.



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