Hungarian Catholic Church Stands Against Blessing Same-Sex Couples
The Hungarian Catholic Church argues that blessing same-sex couples should be avoided, following the Vatican’s permission to clergy to bless same-sex couples.
The Hungarian Catholic Bishops’ Conference released a statement in response to the Vatican’s publication of a document titled “Begging for confidence,” asserting that priests will be allowed to bless same-sex couples upon request. However, the Bishops Conference encourages clerics to refrain from offering a common blessing to couples living together in a purely conjugal relationship, those in a non-ecclesiastically valid marriage, or same-sex couples.
The Conference emphasizes that their stance on marriage for same-sex couples remains unchanged, but they also express their commitment to accompany individuals from all walks of life with love and respect, assisting them in gaining a deeper understanding of God’s will according to the Gospel of Christ.
This declaration comes on the heels of a broader discussion of the Catholic Church’s approach to same-sex couples and their inclusion in the Church’s community.
It is clear that the issue of same-sex couples and their relationship with the Catholic Church continues to be a topic of debate and discussion among the clergy and the wider Catholic community.