
Hungary Ranks High in EU for Smoking-related Deaths

Hungary has one of the highest rates of smoking-related deaths in the European Union, according to Swedish associate professor and tobacco and nicotine researcher Karl-Olov Fagerström. In a recent interview with Index, Fagerström highlighted the alarming statistic that half of smokers in Hungary die from the negative effects of smoking.

The professor emphasized the importance of learning from the Swedish example, where the population has shifted from smoking to using non-cancer-causing sources of nicotine such as snus and nicotine pouches. Smoking carries nicotine to the lungs, heart, and brain within seconds, leading to a stronger addiction. In contrast, alternatives like nicotine pouches may take longer to deliver nicotine to the brain but are significantly less harmful.

In Sweden, only 5.6 percent of the population uses combustible tobacco products, resulting in the lowest number of cancer-related deaths in the EU. The popularity of nicotine pouches and snus has contributed to Sweden’s progress towards becoming Europe’s first smoke-free country.

Hungary is considered progressive in allowing the sale of nicotine pouches and heated tobacco products as alternatives to traditional cigarettes. Proper regulation is essential to ensure the safety and efficacy of these products. The recent amendment to a government decree in Hungary includes regulations on the nicotine content of pouches and child-resistant packaging seals.

Experts advocate for higher taxes on traditional cigarettes and prioritizing less harmful alternatives on shop shelves. They stress that it is traditional smoking, not nicotine, that leads to health risks and mortality. Implementing effective strategies to reduce smoking rates and promote healthier alternatives is crucial for public health in Hungary and across the EU.



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