
Hungary Ranks Lowest in Guest Worker Rate among V4 Nations

Foreigners Residing and Working in Hungary Must Adhere to Strict Regulations, Says State Secretary

Sándor Czomba, State Secretary for Employment Policy, has emphasized that foreigners can only temporarily reside and work in Hungary for specific purposes, under the conditions set by the Hungarian state. He also highlighted that the new immigration law in Hungary aims to regulate the residence of foreigners as strictly as possible.

According to data from the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH), the number of foreigners residing in Hungary has increased by 53,000 since 2010, indicating an average annual increase of 4,000 people. Contrary to concerns about a mass influx of foreigners, Czomba pointed out that the arrival of foreigners has been relatively moderate over the past decade.

Out of the 514,000 foreigners who arrived in Hungary between 2010 and 2023, only 251,000 currently reside in the country, accounting for 2.6% of the total population. Additionally, approximately 36,000 foreigners are temporarily staying in Hungary for educational purposes. Czomba also mentioned that 324,000 Hungarian citizens have left the country since 2010, with 219,000 eventually returning. The emigration balance shows a surplus of around 40,000 people due to the return of Hungarian citizens born abroad.

Currently, there are approximately 120,000 guest workers in Hungary, representing the lowest share of workers from third countries within the V4 countries. Czomba clarified that guest workers do not compete with Hungarian workers for jobs, as the government’s priority is to activate the Hungarian labor reserve of 300,000 individuals who are currently seeking employment or are inactive. Only in cases where the domestic and EU workforce is insufficient will workers from third countries be allowed to enter Hungary.

Compared to other V4 countries, the share of foreign workers in Hungary is relatively low at 2.6% of the total employed population. The government has implemented measures to protect Hungarian jobs, such as quotas, country lists, and restrictions on the replacement of local workers by guest workers. Additionally, wage dumping is prevented by law, ensuring that the remuneration for third-country nationals does not significantly differ from the national average basic wage, thus avoiding any competitive disadvantage for Hungarian workers in the labor market.

In conclusion, Hungary’s approach towards foreign workers emphasizes balancing the labor market’s needs while safeguarding the interests of Hungarian citizens and workers. The government continues to monitor and regulate the residence and employment of foreigners in the country to maintain a stable and sustainable workforce.


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