
Hungary’s Second Largest Leftist Party Appoints New Chairwoman

Momentum Party Elects MEP Anna Donáth as New Leader

The Momentum party assembly made a significant decision on Sunday by electing MEP Anna Donáth as the new head of the party. In her speech to the assembly, Donáth emphasized the party’s core values, describing Momentum as a “liberal, freedom-loving party with an unshakeable belief in human dignity.” She expressed her pride in leading a community that is committed to serving and standing up against corruption and those seeking to rule over others.

Donáth also addressed the upcoming local and European parliamentary elections in 2024, stating that Momentum would support all “acceptable” joint opposition candidates and propose a primary election in cases where there is no agreement. She revealed that she is initiating talks with other opposition parties, highlighting the importance of cooperation in the run-up to the elections.

One of Donáth’s key goals is to challenge populist ideologies, stating, “We have the task of bursting the populists’ balloon.” This signifies Momentum’s commitment to combating populist rhetoric and promoting a more inclusive and progressive political agenda.

Donáth’s election as the new head of Momentum marks a significant moment for the party, and her vision for the future signals a proactive and collaborative approach to shaping Hungary’s political landscape. As she takes on this new role, all eyes will be on Donáth as she leads Momentum into the next chapter of its political journey.


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