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Israel Attempts to Kill the Truth with Disinformation Policy

Fahrettin Altun, the Head of Presidential Communications of the Republic of Turkey, delivered a speech at the opening of the “Bab-ı Ali School: Disinformation Threat and Communication Strategies in the 21st Century” program organized by the Presidential Communications Istanbul Regional Directorate. Altun stated that they have designed this year’s second edition of the Bab-ı Ali School as an educational program for undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students in the field of social sciences.

Altun mentioned that many students participated in the program last year and received their certificates. He expressed his belief that the program, whose opening they held today, will be well received by students who are interested in specializing in the field of communication.

Referring to Charles Dickens’ masterpiece “A Tale of Two Cities,” Altun started his speech with the words, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. It was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness. It was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity. It was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness.” Altun highlighted the challenges faced by humanity in the current era, characterized by advancements in technology and the complexities of social issues.

Altun emphasized the role of communication and media developments in shaping the modern era, which is often referred to as the “age of communication” or the “information society.” He pointed out that while communication technologies have brought numerous benefits to humanity, they have also posed challenges and threats to society.

Discussing the digital age, Altun highlighted the increasing threat of disinformation and the need for effective communication strategies to combat it. He emphasized the importance of addressing the spread of disinformation in diplomatic relations, political processes, and social influences. Altun also underlined the significant role of individuals and institutions in the fight against disinformation.

Altun raised concerns about the manipulation of information and the spread of false narratives, citing examples of disinformation surrounding the death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and the efforts to distort the truth. He condemned the use of disinformation as a weapon to obscure the atrocities committed by certain entities, such as the Israeli government’s actions in Gaza.

Altun stressed the importance of maintaining truth and integrity in the face of disinformation, highlighting the efforts of Turkey to counter misinformation and uphold democratic values. He reiterated the need for individuals and institutions to be vigilant against misleading information and to take proactive measures to combat disinformation.

In conclusion, Altun expressed confidence in the Bab-ı Ali School program contributing to the training of ethical and professional media professionals. He commended the efforts of those involved in the program and wished for its success in fostering a culture of truth and accountability in communication practices.



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