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Israeli military escalates ground attacks along Egyptian border in Rafah

The Israeli Army Intensifies Ground Attacks in the Philadelphia Corridor

Eyewitnesses report that the Israeli army is continuing to escalate its ground attacks in the Philadelphia Corridor with heavy air and ground bombardment. Israeli soldiers have advanced to the central parts of Rafah city, reaching the middle of the Philadelphia Corridor.

Reports indicate that Israeli military vehicles are moving through the neighborhoods of Rafah city, parallel to the Egyptian border. The Israeli army issued a warning on May 6, instructing some neighborhoods in the east of Rafah, where forcibly displaced Palestinians sought shelter, to be evacuated.

On May 7, the Israeli army launched a land attack on the Rafah region of Gaza and announced the capture of the Gaza side of the border gate with Egypt. The United Nations (UN) reported on May 20 that over 810 thousand Palestinians have been forced to flee Rafah due to Israeli army actions in the past two weeks.

Since October 7, 2023, Israel’s attacks on the Gaza Strip have resulted in the deaths of 35,647 Palestinians, including at least 15,103 children and 9,849 women. Additionally, 79,852 people have been injured, with thousands still believed to be trapped under rubble.

Civilian infrastructure, including hospitals and educational institutions where people sought refuge, is also being targeted and destroyed. The situation in the Philadelphia Corridor remains dire as the Israeli army’s offensive continues to wreak havoc on the civilian population.


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