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Palestinian Hospital Director Released from Israeli Prison Sparks Controversy

The director of Shifa, the largest hospital in the Gaza Strip, has been released from Israeli prison after being detained for seven months. Mohammed Abu Silmiyye was among the 50 Palestinians released today, a move that has sparked controversy and debate within Israel.

Abu Silmiyye was detained by Israeli occupation troops on November 23, 2023. Upon his release, he spoke out about the conditions in Israeli prisons, alleging torture and lack of access to necessary medication for patients.

The release of Abu Silmiyye has not been well-received by some within the Israeli government. National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir criticized the decision, calling it a security lapse and blaming Defense Minister Yoav Galant and Shin Bet director Ronen Bar. Other ministers in a WhatsApp group also expressed anger and confusion over the release.

Defense Minister Gallant, however, stated that they had no role in the release of the Palestinians, attributing the decision to Shin-Bet and the prison services. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also distanced himself from the decision, claiming it was made following discussions at the Supreme Court.

Opposition leaders, including Benny Gantz and Yair Lapid, called for government resignations and criticized the chaos within the cabinet. The situation escalated even further when Minister Ben-Gvir demanded the dismissal of Shin-Bet Director Ronen Bar, leading to further tensions within the government.

Shin-Bet, in response, cited overcrowding in prisons as the reason for the release and placed blame on National Security Minister Ben-Gvir. The Prison Service also denied responsibility for the release, alleging false publications and shifting the blame to both the Israeli army and Shin-Bet.

The release of the Shifa Hospital director comes amid ongoing conflict in the region, with thousands of Palestinians being detained by Israeli occupation forces since the start of the war in October. The controversy surrounding Abu Silmiyye’s release highlights the deep divisions and tensions within the Israeli government and society.


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