
Italy and Central Asian States Seek Increased Collaboration

Italy and Central Asian Countries Discuss Collaboration in Rome Meeting

During the Central Asia + Italy third meeting of Foreign Affairs Ministers in Rome on May 29, Italy and Central Asian states explored prospects for collaboration. The meeting was attended by Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Murat Nurtleu, who led Kazakhstan’s delegation.

Key topics of discussion included regional agenda, cooperation in counter-terrorism and drug trafficking, transportation, logistics, and green energy. Nurtleu emphasized that Central Asia is a dynamically developing region with its own vision of geopolitical realities and vast trade and economic opportunities.

The meeting in Rome provided an opportunity to discuss concrete measures and identify new areas of cooperation between Italy and the countries of the Central Asian region. Italian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Antonio Tajani highlighted the importance of active interaction in transport interconnectivity, energy, climate change, and education.

Italy expressed great interest in political collaboration and opportunities for Italian companies in Central Asia. Establishing a strategic partnership with Central Asian countries and strengthening economic and industrial cooperation in water resources, environment, and higher education was emphasized. Over 30 major Italian companies and trade associations were invited to the meeting.

In addition to Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, EU Special Representative for Central Asia Terhi Hakala also attended the meeting. Thematic sessions on water and energy cooperation, global connectivity, and higher education were part of the agenda.

The meeting in Rome served as a platform for discussing mutual cooperation and collaboration in various fields between Italy and Central Asian countries, showcasing the shared commitment to addressing common challenges and fostering beneficial partnerships.


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