
Italy Named Guest of Honor at Balaton Wine & Gourmet Festival

The Balaton Wine & Gourmet festival in Veszprém, Hungary, is set to showcase the culinary specialties of Italy from September 6-8, alongside more than 50 restaurants and wineries from the Balaton region. This year’s festival will feature family activities, free tastings, professional workshops, and dinners prepared by Michelin-starred chefs.

The executive director of the festival, Zoltán Mészáros, emphasized the aim of presenting Veszprém and the Lake Balaton region as a gastronomic destination in its own right, highlighting the region’s six wine regions, quality gastronomy, and vibrant cultural scene. Italy will be the guest of honor at the third edition of the Balaton Wine & Gourmet festival, following Japan and Spain two years ago, and Argentina and France last year.

As part of the festival, Veszprém will host a “mini Italian gastronomic festival,” showcasing the best of Italian gastronomic traditions. This initiative aligns with the heritage-driven focus of the Veszprém-Balaton 2023 European Capital of Culture program, with a strong emphasis on sustainability and international collaboration.

Italian Ambassador to Hungary, Manuel Jacoangeli, expressed excitement about the opportunity to showcase Italian cuisine, lifestyle, and food products at the festival. Italian experts will lead menus, demonstrations, and seminars on Italian wine, prosecco, aperitifs, cocktails, coffee, and extra virgin olive oils.

The festival will also feature a new stage dedicated to the world of Italian merchants, offering demonstrations and tastings that delve into the basics of Italian gastronomy, including pizza, pasta, ice cream, and coffee. Additionally, free public lectures, workshops, guided tastings, and experiential meals by Michelin-starred Italian chefs will be part of the festival program.

Attendees can look forward to guided tastings of Italian and Lake Balaton wines, as well as gastronomic activities for children in a dedicated tent. The festival aims to provide a comprehensive and immersive experience of Italian gastronomy for all visitors.

With the inclusion of Italy as the guest of honor at this year’s Balaton Wine & Gourmet festival, attendees can expect a rich and diverse culinary program that celebrates the best of Italian gastronomy alongside the picturesque backdrop of Veszprém and the Lake Balaton region.


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