
Jobbik-Conservatives Protest Import of Guest Workers

The opposition Jobbik-Conservatives party in Hungary has taken a stand against the import of foreign guest workers into the country. In a protest held in front of the prime minister’s office in Budapest’s Castle District, the party’s group leader, László György Lukács, criticized the government for allowing tens of thousands of “cheap Asian migrant workers” to enter Hungary and carry out low-wage labor.

Lukács pointed out that the government’s policies, which support the establishment of factories from the East in Hungary, are indirectly financing the import of guest workers. Instead of valuing the well-trained Hungarian workforce, these companies are opting for cheap labor from abroad, leading to a situation where Hungarian workers are struggling to find employment and are forced to emigrate.

The Democratic Coalition party also voiced its support for ensuring that Hungarian workers receive fair wages instead of being replaced by underpaid guest workers. This sentiment was echoed by Ferenc Varga, a DK politician, who condemned the government’s draft bill offering tax breaks to companies employing a majority of non-EU guest workers. Varga called the measure a “betrayal of Hungarians” and advocated for laws prohibiting the dismissal of Hungarian workers in favor of non-EU guest workers.

It is clear that the issue of importing foreign guest workers has sparked significant opposition within Hungarian political circles, with concerns being raised about the impact on the local workforce and employment opportunities for Hungarian citizens. As the debate continues, it remains to be seen how the government will address these criticisms and whether any policy changes will be implemented in response to the concerns raised by the opposition.


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