
Kazakhstan Applauded as an Exemplary Model for Primary Health Care by WHO Official

Kazakhstan, with its remarkable history and contributions to primary health care, holds a significant role on the international stage. The upcoming conference on primary health care policy and practice, hosted in the Kazakh capital of Astana, marks a pivotal moment for the region and the world.

As we commemorate the 45th Anniversary of the Declaration of Alma Ata and the 5th anniversary of the Declaration of Astana, the importance of this conference cannot be overstated. It arrives at a crucial juncture for global health, occurring midway through the Sustainable Development Goals 2030 and at a time when the call for equity, human rights, and social justice is resounding.

The conference serves as an opportunity to reflect on the progress made over the past five decades, identify successful strategies from various country contexts, and chart a course for the future. It is a platform to address the barriers that impede access to essential health services, particularly for underserved populations. The conference’s significance is further underscored by the fact that primary health care has proven indispensable during the COVID-19 pandemic, serving as the first line of defense for communities.

The outcomes we hope to achieve from this conference are monumental. We aspire to see renewed commitments to the principles of primary health care and the sharing of innovative approaches and best practices. Discussions on equity, human rights, and community empowerment will be fostered, with the ultimate goal of promoting inclusivity and quality care for all.

Participants will leave the conference with key takeaways, including the recognition of success stories in primary health care implementation, a sense of urgency to translate policy into action, and access to a global report that synthesizes implementation evidence. This report, titled “Implementing the PHC Approach: A Primer,” will serve as a valuable reference for health leaders, policymakers, practitioners, and researchers, offering insights into the current state of primary health care worldwide.

International partnerships and collaboration are essential in supporting Kazakhstan’s efforts to improve primary health care. These alliances bring knowledge exchange, capacity building, technical support, advocacy, and networking opportunities. They also contribute to research and innovation in the field, leading to breakthroughs and improved treatment options.

The people of Kazakhstan play a vital role in recognizing the importance of primary health care. Their commitment and contributions to primary health care strengthen the nation’s profile and provide valuable models of transformation to inspire other countries. The Kazakh people serve as ambassadors for the principles of primary health care, promoting the vision of Alma Ata and Astana and working towards the global goal of equitable access to health care for all.

In conclusion, the upcoming conference in Astana is an opportunity for Kazakhstan to showcase its leadership in primary health care and its commitment to improving health outcomes. It is a chance to collaborate with international partners, learn from global experiences, and shape the future of health care based on evidence and best practices. Through these collective efforts, Kazakhstan can continue to be a shining beacon in the field of primary health care, making significant strides towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and ensuring a healthier future for all.



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