
Kazakhstan’s Contribution to Europe’s Green Deal

Kazakhstan: A Reliable and Green Partner for Germany and Europe

Kazakhstan’s Minister of Industry and Construction, Kanat Sharlapaev, highlighted the country’s role as a reliable and secure raw material partner for Germany and Europe in a recent interview with German magazine Markt und Mittelstand. With immense potential in traditional energy resources like oil and gas, as well as the capacity to produce and export green hydrogen on a large scale, Kazakhstan plays a crucial role in supporting Europe’s Green Deal objectives.

Moreover, Kazakhstan boasts significant deposits of critical and strategic raw materials, including rare earth elements essential for energy transition and chip manufacturing. Minister Sharlapaev emphasized that Germany and Europe can count on Kazakhstan as a secure partner for these vital resources, especially as global demand for mineral raw materials continues to rise in line with net zero emissions targets.

Kazakhstan’s inclusion in the European Union’s Minerals Security Partnership Forum underscores the country’s commitment to strengthening relations with Central Asia and diversifying supply sources for critical raw materials. This collaboration is essential for economic prosperity and security on both sides, as Kazakhstan holds substantial reserves of tungsten, chromium, uranium, and other critical raw materials crucial for the green transition.

In terms of logistics, Kazakhstan is actively working to ensure the secure and sustainable transportation of goods and raw materials to Europe. The Trans-Caspian International Transport Route, designed to facilitate faster transport between Central Asia and Europe while bypassing Russia and Iran, exemplifies Kazakhstan’s commitment to enhancing supply chain efficiency and connectivity.

Beyond raw materials, Kazakhstan offers untapped potential in areas like renewables, agriculture, and processing industries. The country’s favorable investment climate, modern infrastructure, and special economic zones provide an attractive backdrop for German and European companies looking to establish a presence in Kazakhstan.

With a strong foundation of regulatory reforms, improved licensing processes, and privatization initiatives, Kazakhstan is ready to welcome foreign investors and foster mutually beneficial partnerships. German companies already operating in key sectors like construction, trade, manufacturing, and mining stand to benefit from Kazakhstan’s business-friendly environment and skilled labor market.

In conclusion, Kazakhstan’s rich reserves of critical raw materials, commitment to sustainability, and favorable business climate position it as a strategic partner for Germany and Europe in achieving their green transition goals. By leveraging Kazakhstan’s resources and expertise, both regions can work together to build a more sustainable and secure future.


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